About Us
Our Club
Our Instructors & Assistants
Our Club
The Carolina Dog Training Club is located in Greensboro, NC, and has been in existence for over 90 years. We are a non-profit member organization that focuses on dog training. Collectively, our members have over 90 years of dog training and dog-showing experience. We are a volunteer organization and train at the Lewis Recreation Center in Greensboro, NC. We offer junior membership and encourage young people to get involved in their dog's training. The Carolina Dog Training Club also hosts two AKC Obedience and Rally trials every spring, and an annual practice trial.
CLUB MEETINGSClub meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month, except July and December. Meetings are held at the Lewis Recreation Center, in Greensboro, and start at 7:30 pm. Meetings are free and open to the public. Occasionally we will have informative programs or demonstrations.
BECOME A MEMBERAll members are required to assist with our obedience trial and practice trial, each held once a year. It is also strongly suggested that members assist or teach at least one obedience class each year. Membership is not required to take our classes.Click here to inquire about membership.
Current Board MembersPresident: Susan Thomas Vice President: Middy Mentzer Treasurer: Connie Felton Recording Secretary: Robin Belyea Corresponding Secretary: Lois MillerAKC Delegate: Victor Whitaker Training Director: Rita MCginnis 3 Year board member: Pat Muhammad 2 Year board member: Amy Burns 1 Year board member: Holly McPherson
CLUB MEETINGSClub meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month, except July and December. Meetings are held at the Lewis Recreation Center, in Greensboro, and start at 7:30 pm. Meetings are free and open to the public. Occasionally we will have informative programs or demonstrations.
BECOME A MEMBERAll members are required to assist with our obedience trial and practice trial, each held once a year. It is also strongly suggested that members assist or teach at least one obedience class each year. Membership is not required to take our classes.Click here to inquire about membership.
Current Board MembersPresident: Susan Thomas Vice President: Middy Mentzer Treasurer: Connie Felton Recording Secretary: Robin Belyea Corresponding Secretary: Lois MillerAKC Delegate: Victor Whitaker Training Director: Rita MCginnis 3 Year board member: Pat Muhammad 2 Year board member: Amy Burns 1 Year board member: Holly McPherson
Our Instructors & Assistants
Amy Burns
Instructor - Puppy II & Beginner I
I have always had a great love for animals, but never expected to love dog training. I trained my first dog as a teen, for an elderly couple in my neighborhood. I started obedience training my own dogs out of necessity in about 1999, when I lived in Florida. My year and a half old pit bull was out of control, and desperately needed manners. Dog training changed our life together. The tools I learned through obedience training allowed my relationship with my dog to blossom, and he became that once in a lifetime dog. I have shown my own dog, and enjoy the Rally competition, but my favorite part about dog training is watching the relationship between the handler and the dog blossom. When I organized the Pets In The Park event in 2013, to help lower income families in our communities support their pets, I was overjoyed to learn that owners WANT to train their dogs and provide to them the right tools to be good pets. Once people learn how to communicate with their dogs, and learn how to set boundaries, then a whole new world opens up to them.
Andi Hennings
Instructor - Beginner I
I'm from Germany where I have been teaching dog behavior classes for many years. Back then, I had been training my own dogs successfully in sheep herding, agility, obedience and dog dancing. Now, being a member of the Carolina Dog Training Club in Greensboro, I am an instructor for Beginner I classes. I am currently training my Miniature Australian Shepherd in obedience and rally.
Beth Alexander
Instructor - Puppy II & Beginner II
I have been a member of the Carolina Dog Training Club, and have been training dogs for over 30 years. I have spent many years learning and studying about dog behavior, training methods, obedience, and social manners. It’s a genuine passion for me. I have had many purebred dogs and mixed breeds dogs in my life, training a spectrum of personalities and demeanors, and have loved working with them all. I have owned and fostered Australian Shepherds, Poodles, Terrier mixes, Pit mixes, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Doberman Pinchers, and my current breed is Silken Windhounds. I have competed in many sports with my dogs including obedience, herding, LGRA straight racing and ASFA lure coursing. I have done therapy work with several dogs, and really loved taking the dogs to read with children and visit with adult seniors weekly. I spent 9 years teaching children in a “Second Chance Program” to change themselves by learning to train SPCA dogs. I taught life skills to the kids through training the dogs. I teach Puppy (1&2), Beginner (1&2) and have taught specialty classes that CDTC has offered like Kids Only classes and Clicker Training. I enjoy teaching people, and their dogs, in classes so they can have the best relationship with their dog. I look forward to working with you and your dog.
Betty Henderson
Longest standing club member
Growing up with Boston Terriers, I have also owned many breeds, including a Miniature Pinscher, a Chihuahua, a Bichon, and many Scotties. I started obedience training in 1974 at the Carolina Dog Training Club. I have earned obedience titles with my Bichon and 6 Scotties, and a TD title on one of my Scotties. I have also competed in Conformation, and won Championships with my Bichon and 5 of my Scotties. Since my first Scottie, that breed has been the one for me. I have been a member of the CDTC since the 70's, and a member of the Scottish Terrier Club of America for over 25 years. My goal in training is to have dogs I can live with. Scotties have a unique relationship with their owners, and if they have the proper training, can be an absolute delight. They have their own ideas of how a household should be run, and quite often, they are right.
Brenna Usry
Assistant - Beginner I
I have had an interest in training dogs since I was in elementary school. It started with training the family dog basics like sit, down, shake, and leash manners. I read every book and watched every video about dog training as I could. Then in middle school, I got to pick out my very own pup from the county pound! I taught him everything I could possibly think of, and one day I was invited by a CDTC member to come to meetings and take some formal obedience classes! We were hooked, and have been competing ever since. I have taught the puppy classes and beginner one classes, and assisted in both as well. I don't instruct classes very much anymore, but you're likely to see me helping demonstrate from time to time!
Charleata Carter
Assistant - Puppy II
My schnauzer rescue mix took me to his first puppy class over 15 years ago at a dog training club in Arkansas. He enjoyed it so much we kept going back and eventually ended up in NC at CDTC. That first class led to an unexpected journey of training and competition including agility, obedience and rally. The growing bond with the dog is the most rewarding part of these sports though titles are fun too. Hiking and anything involving water are also top of my list to enjoy the company of dogs. Interests include learning new ways to train and bond with my dog as well as paying attention to what dogs have to teach me. Learning more about ways to keep the dogs body and mind active throughout life is a current interest. My preference is for medium mixes with furry mustaches, schnauzer eyebrows, a fun disposition with a little bit of stubbornness and a wagging tail.https://www.akc.org/canine-partners/12-year-old-former-shelter-pup-going-strong-bringing-home-the-ribbons
Connie Felton
Instructor - Beginner I & II
I have been a member for the past 18 years. I currently serve on the board of directors and also serve as the treasurer for the club. I have been training and showing dogs since the late 1990's. I started with a yellow lab named Zack and have trained and earned titles in the past in various performance events such as obedience, rally and agility in akc, ukc and asca with several Standard poodles and a Aussie. I currently have 2 Aussie's that are competing in akc and asca performance events, Scandal has a master's rally title and a rally excellent title in akc, beginner novice titles and is currently showing in agility. Val is working on her master's title in asca and her excellent title in akc, she is also showing in obedience and soon, agility. Vega, my Standard poodle, will be competing soon.
Faye Wilhite
Puppy Class Coordinator and Instructor
I started out 25 years ago in Beginner 1 class and was soon hooked on obedience training and teaching. As Training Director for a number of years, I developed our Puppy class based on the principles of Dr's Patricia McConnell and Ian Dunbar. We have since added fun conditioning activities to our puppy classes. If I could just get everyone with a new dog to participate in Puppy class or Beginner 1, many of the problems and issues of adult dogs could be prevented. Owners could learn to deal with issues arising later through being a calm, assertive leader and understanding the positive reinforcement principles. I am most rewarded by teaching new dog owners, young handlers, and encouraging new students to become active in our club to enjoy the friendship of those with common goals - we all learn from each other!
Holly McPherson
Assistant - Beginner I
I got Greta, my dachshund in 1990. We started taking classes though Carolina Dog Training Club, and I became a member of the club in 1991. After several years of being in the club and taking classes with Greta, l started assisting with Beginner I classes. I have also assisted with some puppy classes, and am a member of the board. We have always had Dachshunds in our family. Greta was my first long haired dachshund. Greta and I took classes until she was around 12 years old. She always seemed to like going to classes. Greta did get her CD (Companion Dog) AKC title with the help of some wonderful club members. Without them, we could not have done it. Greta died in 2005, 2 months to the day of her 15th Birthday . Now I enjoy neighbor dogs, club member’s dogs, dogs who visit Friends Home, where I work, and dogs in the classes that I assist with. I hope to have another dog someday.
Karine Thoresen
Instructor - Puppy I & Beginner I
I have been training dogs and horses since my teens, and joined my first Dog Training Club in the late 70’s. 3 Border Collies and 5 Papillons complete my family, and we enjoy training and competing in agility and rally. I love to teach, and nothing excites me more than seeing the bond and trust with each team form as they develop their skills. I am currently in an instructor certification program with Control Unleashed, and have also had extensive training in canine conditioning and fitness.
Lois Miller
Instructor - Rally
I have been training dogs since 1989 when I purchased my second Scottie Katie and enrolled in classes at the Carolina Dog Training Club. Betty Henderson, another member of the club, had trained Scotties and encouraged me to train Katie and even took me to matches and shows. From then on, obedience wasn't just a hobby - I was hooked and it became my lifestyle. Katie earned her CGC and CDX titles and was the highest scoring Scottie in "Front and Finish" magazine for several years. My second obedience Scottie, Watson, earned his CGC and UD titles, and was also one of the top obedience Scottish Terriers in the country. Both dogs earned numerous awards at trials and from the Scottish Terrier Club of America. Losing my Scotties to cancer, I decided to try Sealyham Terriers and my third obedience dog was Jennie. A clown in and out of the ring, Jennie loved obedience and performing to a crowd. She quickly earned her UD in obedience, RAE in rally and her Versatility title. She went to All Stars competition in New Jersey, and at the 1st Sealyham Terrier Specialty earned "High in Trial". I am currently training my Sealyham Rosie in Utility. She has her CDX, BN, RE, and TKN titles. She loves obedience but also loves to do the exercises her way instead of always following the rules and has provided me with lots of challenges. I love training terriers as they are a challenge and unpredictable - you have to always be prepared for the unexpected! I love teaching as i believe the true purpose of dog training is to have a companion and member of the family that everyone enjoys. Obedience enables owners to experience a relationship with their dog that brings richness and joy to their lives. I am a member of the American Sealyham Club, Scottish Terrier Club of America, and the Scottish Terrier Club of the Piedmont.

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Pat Muhammad
Instructor - CGC
I, like many of you, came to Carolina Dog Training Club trying to find a way to get my dog to come to me when I called him. I had a miniature poodle at the time and ended up showing him in obedience, getting his CD and CDX titles and working on his UD title. I joined the Club during this time and have served the Club as a board member, Treasurer, Trial Secretary, Trial Chairman and most recently President. I enjoy working with all breeds of dogs and am certified as an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator. I always tell my students to train as if they plan to show their dogs in obedience. You never know when the “bug” will hit you. I taught the Beginner 1 class for many years and have recently been concentrating on the Beginner II and CGC classes. I am currently Mom to a beagle named Annie.
Rita McGinnis
Instructor - Rally & Ready, Set, Show!
I grew up with Schnauzers as our family dogs, but while working as a veterinary assistant in high school I met and fell in love with the Weimaraner breed. During my freshman year in veterinary school, I got my first weim puppy, started obedience classes with him and got our first CD in 3 trials and 2 first places. An obedience enthusiast was born! Subsequent dogs participated in new performance sports.A veterinarian for 35 years, Medical Director of Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue, Vice President of Carolina Dog Training Club and Dog Mom currently to 3 Rescue weims (Denver, Jackson and Doozie), Rita spends her spare time training and competing with Doozie, the first Weimaraner to earn a RACH title. She enjoys teaching Beginner Obedience and Rally Classes.
RACH Doozie Dazzles Daily CDX PCD BN RM4 RAE2 JH FDC NA NAJ AXP OJP CGCA CGCU TKNAdopted from Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue 5/3/13
Robin Belyea
Instructor - Beginner I
Under Construction
Susan Thomas
Training Director
Instructor - Beginner I and II
I joined the Carolina Dog Training Club in the fall of 2005 after taking a Beginner I class. Starting as a student I quickly moved from assisting classes to becoming an instructor of Beginner I and 2, serving as a board member, and as Trial Secretary for our annual Obedience and Rally trials. For several years it has been my pleasure to serve as Training Director. Along the way, as my love and knowledge of dogs has increased, I have enjoyed teaching and encouraging students as they develop a deeper bond with their dogs. Before joining the club, I knew nothing about competing in Obedience and Rally trials. With the help and encouragement of my fellow members, I fell in love with exhibiting my dog, Petey, in both. Together, we managed to squeak out a Companion Dog title and a Rally Excellent title. Petey is gone now, but I hope my Stewart will follow in his footsteps as we continue training toward competition.
Victor Whitaker
Instructor - Puppy II
The CDTC provides a great service to our community. We provide a place for people to come and build a relationship with their dog. No matter if you are starting with a new puppy or have amature adult dog, we have a training course that fits your needs. Our goal at CDTC is to offer a variety of classes frombasic obedience and good behavior, to the most advanced classes for competition in AKC trials and titles . Learning how to motivate and communicate with your dog is key to building a quality relationship with your pup. CDTC offers a place to help you learn how to communicate with and understand your dog and its behaviors. I have been involved in many aspects of the CDTC. I have sat on the board, served as the club Training Director, and now serve as the AKC Delegate. I have also served as the Chief Steward for our yearly AKC trial. I typically instruct the Puppy II course and am certified by the AKC to administer the CGC and S.T.A.R. Puppy testing. The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy is an exciting program designed to get dog owners and their puppies off to a good start. The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program is an incentive program for loving dog owners who have taken the time to take their puppies through a basic training class. The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program is a noncompetitive activity that is open to all dogs, including purebreds and mixed breeds. I feel Puppy training is probably the most important stage of training a dog goes through. This builds the fundamentals that last a lifetime. I really enjoy seeing the progress handlers and pups make in an eight-week class. It’s never too late to start training your dog.